CenterClick NTP200 Series Documentation - USB Console



NTP2xx Docs
o Features
o Hardware 200/250
o Hardware 220/270
o Getting Started
o Release Notes
o Front Panel Button
o Front Panel LEDs
o USB Console
o Admin CLI
o Using HTTPS
o SSH Authentication
o Client List
o Antennas
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o PPS Output
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USB admin console

The Micro-B USB port on the back panel labeled "CON" provides an out-of-band admin console for configuring the device or troubleshooting connectivity issues.

If the device has an admin password configured, credentials are required to login to the out-of-band admin console.

Using the console

A WCH CH340 UART to USB chip is used on this interface. A serial console is presented over this USB port so you can use any terminal program and connect using 115200 baud N81 with no flow control.


Linux uses the ch341-uart kernel module to interface with the CH340, this driver is included in modern Linux systems.

Use a program such as minicom to connect:

$ minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200


Windows does not generally include a driver for the CH340 so you will likely need to install this yourself.

Download the CH340 driver for Windows from WCH and install it.

Once installed use a program such as PuTTY as shown:

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